Learn Microsoft Excel

If you want to learn Microsoft Excel, you're in the right place. There is a lot to learn about Microsoft Excel, and not everything is in the manual. We've got a range of free online lessons on how to get the best out of Excel, starting from the basics right up to advanced subjects. We'll help you to do your job better - with the right Excel skills you could even get a raise or a better job! If you don't see what you want to learn, why not get in touch and suggest a lesson we should write.

This lesson shows you how to group data in your pivot table by date. You can group by day, week, month, quarter or year. If your date fields include a time value, you can also group by seconds, minutes or hours. You'll also learn how to collapse and expand data groups in your pivot table so you can quickly see a summary of your data.


This lesson introduces the LEN() function, which allows you to calculate the number of characters in a cell. This formula is useful on its own, or can be combined with other text functions such as RIGHT(), LEFT(), MID() and FIND().

This lesson shows you how to use Excel to calculate the number of days between two dates. It also shows you how to exclude weekends and holidays from the total.



Excel Formulas

Do you need help with an Excel formula or function? We have lessons on a range of different Excel functions, and the list is growing all the time.

Click here to see the full list of Excel Formulas and Functions